Sunday, December 4, 2011

5. If you had the responsibility to decide where $1 million should be spent to improve conditions somewhere in the world, what project(s) would you choose? Why?

If I had the responsibility to decide where $1 million dollars should be spent I would pick projects that focus on helping homeless kids get an education and a better life. There is a project in Orange County called Project Hope and it helps local homeless kids to stay in school. oroject hope provides daily food for their kids and transportation. Everything project hope offers is free. Sadly, due to budget cuts there are only about 3 classrooms and 3 teachers with a few aides in Project Hope. There is a documentary based on the lives of these children and the things they go through for being homeless. Everyday they see violence and they live under circumstances not fitted for children. I would donate $1 million dollars to project hope so it could expand their locations and have more classrooms and teachers so kids in need could  get a better education.

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